
Wallas Kogeapparat 85Dt Diesel
DKK 13.195,00
DKK 11.495,00
DKK 1.700,00
Wallas Kogeapparat 85Dt Diesel
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Wallas 85Dt

Wallas Kogeapparat 85Dt Diesel

This flat-design stove has been constructed with flat aluminium edges and protrudes just 2 mm above the surface of the counter.

Wallas 85 Dt ceramic stove represents the state of the art in marine cooking systems. Unlike the hazardous propane systems, it uses diesel in its task as a responsive high temperature stove that will give years of service. The beauty of it is that you can use this stove as a heater as well, when fitted with a Wallas 270 heat blower lid. Imagine – to heat your boat and cook in it with the same unit!

Unlike other systems, the Wallas diesel stove draws combustion air from inside the cabin and carries exhaust outside the cabin. This feature forces fresh air to be drawn into the cabin area, drying the vessel interior and reducing the effects of mildew.


Fuel: Diesel
Power: 900-1900 W / 3000-6500 BTU
Operating voltage: 12 V
Fuel consumption: 0.09-0.19 l/h / 3-6.4 oz/hr
Electricity consumption: 0.2...0.35 A



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